Tag TabletMark

PC World reviews BAPCo’s cross-platform TabletMark release

BAPCo News 02

TabletMark is featured in this PCWorld review by Gordon Ung. In his article, Ung details using TabletMark in cross-platform comparisons, a first for BAPCo products. Download your copy of TabletMark for free from Google Play or the Windows Store and…

TabletMark® V2 Whitepaper posted

BAPCo News 02

Head on over to our “BAPCo Support” section and you will find the TabletMark® V2 Whitepaper. The TabletMark® Whitepaper covers the BAPCo development process, Usage Model and Scenario selection, Application Model selection, Scoring Methodology and more….

BAPCo® Releases TabletMark® v2

BAPCo® Releases TabletMark® v2

BAPCo® Releases TabletMark® V2, a cross-architecture performance benchmark targeted specifically for touch enabled devices with support for Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 RT and Windows 8 RT. San Mateo, California – May 13, 2014 – TabletMark® V2, the new…

TabletMark® V1 Whitepaper posted

BAPCo News 01

Head on over to our “BAPCo Support” section and you will find the TabletMark Whitepaper. The TabletMark Whitepaper covers the BAPCo development process, Usage Model and Scenario selection, Application Model selection, Scoring Methodology and more….